In the work that you do within your family lawyers business, you undoubtedly rely on support from others such as your receptionist, personal assistant or other family lawyers who work with you. This confirms that no matter what you are doing work-related if someone or something can make it easier, you should use them. This certainly applies to online tools which make the running of businesses easier.
If we listed every tool you could use, we would write a book, not an article. Instead, we are going to highlight seven tools that have proven themselves repeatedly to make running a business easier, including family lawyers businesses. The good news is that many whilst many have paid upgraded versions, most also have free versions which are perfectly adequate.
Siteground – Website Hosting
To give potential clients the best first impression your website needs to function well. A huge influence on that performance is the web hosting you use. There are hundreds of hosting companies but the one that is invariably at the top of most hosting review league tables is Siteground whose hosting packages, reliability and features are all exceptional.
ConvertKit – Email Management
Email likely plays a huge role in your communication with clients and other third parties. Having a means to create, manage and respond to emails efficiently is important in a family lawyers office, and the email management tool which is #1 for many businesses is ConvertKit. Its email templates, delivery rates and automation tools are first class.
Trello – Project / Team Management
Many businesses suffer from spinning plate syndrome where they randomly and haphazardly complete tasks. On the other hand, successful businesses are organised and efficient and this is often due to them using project management software. Whether you work on your own or have a large team, a project management tool like Trello can be invaluable to you.
Google Docs – File / Document Creation
The use of documents, spreadsheets and presentation slides play a role in a huge number of businesses, including family lawyers. One of the most popular office suites to provide the means to create, edit and manage all of these is Google docs. This allows you to access your files from any location and the fact it is completely free makes it even more desirable.
Dropbox – Cloud Storage
Given the nature of the work a divorce lawyer does, you will undoubtedly have many documents and files which are confidential and must be kept secure. This applies to both physical and digital files. A hugely popular platform for securely storing your digital files is Dropbox which has enhanced encryption technology whilst also making the files accessible to you when you need them.
Fiverr – Outsourcing
If you often have tasks that do not require huge knowledge and experience, but which do require significant amounts of time, one solution used by millions of businesses is outsourcing the work. Examples include research, transcribing interviews and proofreading documents. Fiverr is a platform where you will find thousands of willing freelancers capable of doing these tasks for an extremely low fee.
Hubspot – Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Finally, and some would argue the most important tool, we have one which enables you to manage your clients. Great customer service ensures your clients look upon your family lawyers business favourably, and in turn, recommend you to others. HubSpot’s CRM software is the perfect solution to achieve this.